They’re Just Trying To Save Their Souls
May we never make the mistake of presuming that people who seem unhappy with everything are truly unhappy. Some of them find their happiness by embracing the disadvantages of others. They would be unhappy if they had to ignore the suffering in their world.
Such people can be irritating. Can’t they see how blessed we are? Don’t they understand how things could be so much worse?
But they cannot stand knowing that some of us are treated better than others, often as an accident of birth. They find it all but unbearable that a single person in the world is being left out.
Not all can see what they see. A few see but would rather hide. Fewer still are those who are willing to step down from their life of few demands. Many just change the channel to view a less onerous reality.
Their perspectives and opinion are not always spot on, but they refuse to let their limitations immobilize and silence them. They know it will be hard but they really don’t know how hard. Further, they don’t really know about the rewards.
Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.
Brittney Griner
we love you.
Brittney Griner we love you.