We are a few thoughtful friends who gather on Sundays over Zoom, and of course, we welcome you. It is a Jesus-facing community made complete with people from other backgrounds. We realize we are intended to be Beloved Community. 

Looking for Community?

Click here to Zoom with us each Sunday at 10 am Pacific Time

 And we’re sharing and supporting David’s work

as he reaches out to connect with the world that is

for all of us.

To be with people of his , yours, or no faith tradition.

To be an expression of the Beloved Community.

To connect with you? 


If you’ve loved Jesus your whole life, it hurts to see his words used to hurt others. Would Jesus have supported child separations, anti-masking rhetoric, white supremacy? We think not, but plenty of other people do. Being a Good Christian and simply being good are no longer synonyms. Were they ever? But talking about what good is a painful conversation.

Jesus Collective, curated by David and Diane Moore, is a space for those sometimes difficult yet always joyful and rewarding conversations. It’s a place where Christians and agnostics can sit in communion. Where even Black and White people can share their lived experiences without judgement or denial. Where cisgender, gay, non-binary, and trans can feel equally welcome and heard. Where people can acknowledge their past unkindnesses, and learn how to evolve into more compassionate friends and Christians. It’s a place where we interrogate the old stories we’ve held close to our hearts, and, with love, laughter, and understanding, push forward to new and more nuances interpretations of them. 

More than anything, it’s a place where we can all be simply what we are: Human. 

Dr. David Moore understands the power of evolution. He began preaching in the traditional Western-charmed church. For decades, he knew what truth looked like, sounded like, felt like. He had good down. 

Till the day he didn’t. 

Since then, Dr. Moore has had to walk that difficult road. It’s not easy for a preacher to say good bye to a large and content congregation, and a big church campus in the middle of town. It’s painful for a teacher to see his students choose familiar half-truths over difficult new ideas.

It’s tempting to say and do anything to get that flock back on your side.

But when anything means hurting the most vulnerable among us by denying women their equality, gay and trans people their identity, or the homeless or vulnerable their dignity, that anything isn’t okay anymore.

For the last several years Dr. Moore has walked the walk of difficult choices, clarifying and beautiful breakthroughs, and the painful consequences that come with this kind of radical awakening. Along the way he’s gathered a new flock, one filled with people who love Jesus — or who love the ideals of Jesus - and are looking for a home to celebrate their love with like-minded folks.

Jesus Collective is a place for questions. It’s a place for celebrations. It’s a place to feel less alone, and more at home than many Christians have in the past. It’s a place for human people to get to know the very human Jesus, and to learn to love in his image.

We welcome you to join us. Sign up for (no charge) updates at the top of this page.

David is building community locally and including people from everywhere.

You can help make this happen by becoming a Patron.