As settlers with no moral title to the land, we recognize the cost of colonization and enslavement. We further acknowledge that no compensation could ever cover the cost of the harm. (As an African American, I do wrestle with the settler-Indigenous binary.)

We recognize that both land and humans were colonized and propertied, creating racial capitalism in which the compensatory number put on slavery is upwards of $34 trillion and growing with more research, not to mention the generational harm that could quickly see that number multiplied many times over.

The U.S. developed its economy mainly with free labor. A business' number one line item is labor.

We recognize how the system of racial capitalism has persisted. For the bodies colonized and stolen, it has taken 400-plus years to even talk about a living wage that would support the essential cost of living and keep people out of impoverished indentured conditions where work dictates controls and takes our LIFE. We recognize the system of slavery did not end; the plantation just transformed and moved into being an invisible fabric of America (more accurately called forced labor camps instead of the euphemistic "plantations.")

The expense of racial capitalism on our humanity expands beyond the genocide of Indigenous people and enslavement on Turtle Island ("Turtle Island" is a traditional Indigenous name for North America, as an aerial view explains). We recognize the global impact of globalization through the exportation of the American-rooted system of white supremacy, majorly impacting cultures and economies being subjugated for resource exploitation by corporate and governmental organizations.

Unlike Indigenous peoples who insist on national sovereignty, African Americans have fought for civil rights within the Constitutional system. Many African Americans have also argued for reparations for descendants of enslaved persons. Human life cannot be priced in a morally just system.

The cost is incalculable.

A slave trading economy created Wall Street to traffic enslaved African people stolen from one land and brought to a different, stolen land. Wall Street is founded upon the slave stock block in which trillions of dollars have been processed.

We stand with those that have been propertied, dominated, and eradicated in this dehumanizing system of racial capitalism. We recognize that any worker's rights, not limited to minimum wage, 40-hour work weeks, safe working conditions, and health insurance, have come through the struggle of the enslaved for the liberation and betterment of themselves and their kin. We thank the freedom fighters and the liberationists because, without them, we would have no worker rights in this ruthless capitalistic system with no guiding moral ethics.

In this light, we call and stand for complete and utter reordering, redistribution, and restructuring of power so that the transformative promises of true justice can be lived out around the world and the hunger for hope can be fulfilled by all those who long for a beloved world.