We’re Mortals. We’re All Standing In The Same Line. Next Up?
I thoroughly enjoyed my 50-year high school reunion a week ago. We had over 80 people from our class, including a few spouses/partners. What a party it was! We are all quite conscious that the next reunion will be smaller, but that didn’t stop us from loving one another, eating, dancing, and conversing. Humans have the capacity to rejoice and mourn at the same time.
We frequently learn of our friends’ transitions on social media. From the tone of the responses and comments, there is a mix of feelings. We are grieved, but there appears to be an element of surprise.
We know we shouldn’t be surprised, but the difference between presence and absence is so significant that it’s hard to see the panoramic view of what is going on before our very eyes: The Circle of Life. None of the diversions, achievements, or awards can fully snap us out of the reality that we all stand in this line. We cannot distract ourselves enough.
For some reason, some people seem immeasurably more beautiful when they’re gone. The truth is, they were always beautiful. No memorial service, no eulogy, is adequate. Even the closest of the departed’s family is in discovery mode. Who was this person? Who are all these people who found them so important?
We wish all the world could see this person’s place in history.
Still, the truth remains that they are one among billions. This does not dim the glory of one person. It is a commentary that all of us are part of a constellation of stars that flood the universe with light.
Instead of looking down at our phones, we might realize how stunning we are now instead of later. We would reach peak human potential. Now, not afterward, my heart overflows with you and your matchlessness, my siblings.
When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers—
the moon and the stars you set in place— what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor. (Psalm 8:3-5)
Brittney Griner
we love you.
Brittney Griner we love you.